Passionate about all aspects of rowing, Fania coxes and rows stroke-side and bow-side. However, standing tall at 5″1, she has accepted her fate as an NCBC cox. She takes her role seriously, and in between calls of ‘Gliiiiide up the Sliiiide’ and ‘Catch, There, SQUARE’, she enjoys making observations about the traffic conditions on The Cam to her crew, sipping her coffee while steering, and chatting with the locals out fishing. After novicing in 2019, she held the position of Lower Boats’ Captain in 2020-2021. She came back to NCBC to cox the 3rd VIII for Easter term 2022 and is now secretary for the 2022-23 year.
When she is not on the river, you can find Fania in the Engineering Department, where she spends her time researching water, sanitation and hygiene with a particular emphasis on refugee camps and informal settlements.